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Understanding the Bookings section of Edvisor

Learn how to navigate and use the bookings section in Edvisor, including viewing application statuses and finding specific applications.

The bookings section of Edvisor is designed to help you manage and track all your student applications efficiently.

Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate and utilize this section effectively.

Accessing the Bookings Section:

To access the bookings section, log into your Edvisor account, click on the "Bookings" option from the left-side menu and select "Schools".

Overview of the Bookings Section:

In this section, you will find all your applications organized in lists and views, similar to how your students and quotes are organized.

You’ll be able to see this information at a glance:

  • ID: The unique identifier for each application.
  • Student Name: The full name of the student.
  • Student’s Preferred Name: The name the student prefers to be called.
  • Status: The current status of the application (e.g., draft, pending, processing).
  • School: The educational institution the student has applied to.
  • Nationality: The nationality of the student.
  • Last Updated: The date when the application was last updated.
  • Sent to Student: Indicates if the application details have been sent to the student.
  • Sent to School: Indicates if the application has been sent to the school.

💡 If you want to see more extensive information, simply click on the application to open the application profile.

Application Statuses

The bookings section is also divided into several tabs that represent the different application statuses. This allows you to track the entire application process.

The different tabs / statuses are:

  • All: Displays all applications.
  • Draft: Applications created but not yet sent to the institution.
  • Pending: Applications sent but not yet processed by the school.
  • Processing: When the school begins to process your application, the status will update to processing.
  • Accepted/Declined: Status updated by the school to indicate acceptance or rejection of the application.
  • LoA Issued: Applications where the school has issued a Letter of Acceptance (LoA).

How to find a specific application

To find a specific application, you can use the following features:

  • Status Bars: Filter applications by their current status by clicking on the different status tabs. 
  • Filters: Filter by school or counselor using the filters tool.
  • Search Bar: Use the search bar to search by student name or ID.

By using these tools, you can quickly locate any application and review its details and status.

➡️ Jump to this article to learn how to create and track a new application step-by-step.