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Understanding the Student Profile on Edvisor

Learn how to manage student profiles on Edvisor, including updating information, generating tasks, adding notes and tags, sending emails, and tracking activities to streamline the counseling process.

When you create a new student in Edvisor, you will be redirected to their student profile.

You can access this profile at any time by selecting a student from the students section.

The student profile is crucial for managing student information, ensuring a smooth sales process and facilitating the application process.

Below is a guide to understanding and using the different sections of the student profile.

The student profile is organized into several tabs, each serving a specific purpose:

  1. Information
  2. Goals + Studies
  3. Quotes + Invoices
  4. Files
  5. Student Management

Information Tab

Student Information

The information you entered when adding the student will be pre-populated.

To complete the profile, you need to add additional details such as gender, phone number, birth date, full address, passport, and visa type.

Custom Fields

Edvisor offers many pre-created fields common to all the companies in the international education industry.

However, if your agency or institution requires specific information, admins can create custom fields. 💡 These can include visa start dates, lead sources, language levels, education levels, etc. and can be updated within this section.

Secondary Contacts

You can store information about secondary contacts such as the student's parents, custodians, other family members, or friends. This ensures all relevant contacts are easily accessible.

Quotes + Invoices Tab

Quotes and Invoices

This tab displays all quotes and invoices related to the student. If no quotes or invoices are listed, it means none have been sent to the student yet. Once you send a quote or create an invoice, it will appear here.

Goals + Studies Tab

Student Goals

Store detailed information about the student's study goals. This includes the country they want to study in, the duration of their studies, their budget, hours per week, accommodation start date, and more.

Current and Past Studies

Once the counseling process is complete and the student is applying for a specific program, you can store that information here.

This section also links to your personal reminders set up in the personal settings.

Files Tab

Document Storage

Here, you can store unlimited documents related to the student, such as passports, visas, invoices, and Letters of Acceptance (LoAs). ⚠️ Remember, each document must be under 5MB.

Student Management

From the student profile, you can manage the entire counseling process for each student. This includes generating tasks, adding notes, creating tags, sending emails, updating the pipeline, and deleting or archiving a student.

All of this is tracked through the right column of the student profile, a static section that remains visible regardless of the tab you are in.

Here's what you can find:


  • Assigned to: Displays the counselor assigned to the student. Only admins can change the assigned counselor, ensuring that each student is properly managed and accountability is maintained throughout the sales process.
  • Status : Shows the current pipeline stage of the student. Counselors can update the pipeline status directly from the student profile by clicking the "Change" button. This helps in tracking the student’s progress through the various stages of the application and sales process.
  • Add to Another Pipeline: Allows the student to be added to another pipeline if necessary, providing flexibility in managing different sales scenarios.

💡 Pro Tip!

Admins can create tasks for each pipeline stage that counselors need to complete. When all tasks are marked as done, the student will automatically move to the next stage of the pipeline. This ensures that no steps are missed and the sales process progresses smoothly.


This section displays tasks related to the student.
Counselors can create, view, and manage tasks, including setting due dates and reminders.
💡 Tasks can also be assigned to other team members, facilitating collaboration and ensuring that all steps in the sales process are completed.

To create a new task, simply start typing in the text box. Add the task's title, description, due date, owner, and reminder date.


Tags are useful for organizing students based on groups, marketing campaigns, or other relevant categories, making it easier to target and manage specific segments in the sales process.
💡 You can filter students by tags within the students section, making it easier to target and manage these specific segments in the sales process.


You can add Notes including important details or reminders related to the sales process.
Each note can have associated due dates and follow-up tasks, ensuring that critical information is not overlooked and that the sales process remains on track.

Recent Activities

This section shows an activity log, a chronological log of all activities related to the student. This includes updates, changes, tasks, and communications, providing a comprehensive history of interactions and actions taken during the sales process.

Archiving and Deleting Students

  • Archive Student: Counselors can archive students, marking them as inactive without deleting their information. This is useful if a student’s application is on hold or if they are not currently engaged in the sales process. Archived students can be restored later if needed. You should choose from one of the archive options that come by default on the system; these options are not editable or customizable.
  • Delete Student: Only admins can delete a student profile. Deleting a student permanently removes all their information from the platform, typically done when a student is no longer a prospect.

Sending Emails

You can send emails to students directly from the platform. These emails are logged under the "Recent Activities" section. If the student replies, the reply will appear in your inbox, not on the platform. It's recommended to ask admins to create email templates to ensure consistency and efficiency in communication during the sales process.

💡 Keep the Student Profile Updated:

Regularly update the student profile with information from your conversations.

This practice helps streamline the sales and application process. The more organized you are and the cleaner the information, the smoother and more efficient everything will be.

Accurate and up-to-date profiles enable quicker decision-making, better follow-ups, and a more personalized approach to each student's needs.