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How to Import Students to Edvisor

Learn how to to import a large database of students from a file, all at once.

If you want to add a large group of students simultaneously, you can import them all at once instead of adding them one by one.

Only platform Admins have permission to import students.

  1. Go to the Students section of your Edvisor account.
  2. Click on the 3 dots icon next to the "+ Add Student" button and select "Import Students"

    Import Students
  3. Download the import template and fill it out with the corresponding information.

    Import Students
  4. Paste your student data into the template you just exported, following the provided column format.

    ⚠️ Clean your data to be recognized by Edvisor by following these steps:

      • Clean any stray characters or spaces

      • Format your dates to be YYYY-MM-DD
      • Ensure all emails are in the correct format and contain '@' symbol
      • Remove any columns with a heading, that do not contain any values (ie. if no pipelinestage IDs are being imported, remove that column)
      • Delete all of the empty rows at the bottom of the spreadsheet

      • Save/export as .csv file

    Field Name Field Type Field Rule
    first name text required
    last name text optional
    email text required
    preferred Name text optional
    phone number optional
    address text optional
    postal Code text optional
    nationality Country code (ie. MX, BR, FR) required
    notes text optional
    birth Date YYYY-MM-DD optional, and strict format
    pipelineStageId number blank (no value) = unassigned

    🆘 For more tips on preparing your data, see the Troubleshooting section below.
  5. Upload the updated .CSV file using the "Upload" button, and select the existing data option (skip or update).

  6. Once uploaded, make sure you check all the import settings:
  • Choose how to handle duplicate emails:

    • Skip students with the same email: This option will ignore any students in the import file who have the same email address as an existing student in the database.

    • Overwrite existing students with the same email: This option will update the information of existing students in the database with the details from the import file if the email addresses match.

  • Select the office you want to import the students to.

  • Select a user to assign the new students to.

  • Add custom fields if needed to include additional information. 💡Once an office is selected, a respective list of existing Custom Fields will be available. Custom fields here are limited to batch assigning all import records to an existing custom field values.

  1. Click "Preview Import" to review the data before finalizing the import.
  2. Once previewed, click on ‘Import Students’ to begin the import. Do not close your browser tab until the import is complete.

Import Students 2

🆘 Troubleshooting

    Even a minor error can stop the entire import process. To ensure a smooth and successful import, make sure your data is correctly formatted and free of errors.

    If you are not able to see any students in the import preview (Total Students: 0), or you get an error message after submitting, here are some helpful tips you can try:

    • Ensure all assigning users (agents) in your sheet have the correct permission to access the office you are importing to.
    • Delete all empty rows and columns in your sheet.
    • If you are using the downloadable .CSV template, delete the test student row.
    • Check your file type. Only .CSV files can be accepted.
    • Check that the importing pipelineStageIDs match accordingly. This can be found in-app by clicking ‘More info’ when viewing your pipeline settings (Go to settings > Company Settings)
    • Check the date format. Especially for date fields, this is very specific to the order and symbols used. You may need to take care to correctly format your date data as YYYY-MM-DD.
    • Check that the nationality format is a two-letter ISO code. For example, Mexico nationality would use ‘MX’; this is the only accepted format for this field.
    • Ensure that you have provided data, in the correct format, for required fields like email, firstname, and lastname.
    • Check that all the email addresses are valid - only valid email formats (asdf@education.com) will be accepted.
    • Try breaking up your import into smaller data files. It may be easier to check for format issues and data errors in smaller data sets, separated by Office, User, or Pipeline, for example.

    The importing process can be complicated, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or your account manager if you need assistance.