Company Settings: Add your company information to Edvisor

(Admins Only) Learn how to manage your company information, student recruitment details, and configure key settings that impact your entire Edvisor account.

Within the Company tab in your Edvisor settings page, you can add all your company information, student recruitment details, and configure various settings that affect your Edvisor account on a company level. 

🔹 Simply click on your user icon at the top right corner of the screen > Settings > Company

Company Settings

Within this tab, you'll be able to:

Company Information

ℹ️ This information will be visible to the schools and providers on Edvisor.

To ensure accurate representation of your organization towards your partners, add the following company information:

  • Company Name: Enter the official name of your company.
  • Address: Provide your company's physical address.
  • Phone Number: Add a contact number for your company.
  • Main Contact Email: Set the primary email address for your organization.
  • Website: Include your company's website URL.

Student Recruitment Information

⚠️ Adding detailed student recruitment information is crucial as schools create promotions that will be reflected on your search tool based on the data you add here.

Ensure you provide accurate details about:

  • Recruitment Countries: List the countries from which you recruit students.
  • Destination Countries: Specify the countries to which you send students.
  • Number of Students Annually: Enter the average number of students you send each year.
  • Partnerships Contact Information: Add contact details for the person in charge of partnerships within your team.

Currency Settings

  • Choose Your Default Currencies: Select the primary currencies you'll use in your quotes. Be sure to include your main destination currencies as well as your local currency.
  • Manage Exchange Rates: It's recommended to leave this setting on automatic, as our system updates the exchange rates every hour to ensure accuracy.
  • Add Additional Percentages: If you want to add a percentage to the current exchange rate, such as a 1% increase, you can configure it here. The system will then automatically apply this adjustment.

⚠️ If you choose to update the currencies manually, you'll need to adjust the exchange rates every day. This can be more time-consuming and may lead to inaccuracies if not done consistently.


This section is also where you configure your sales pipelines to streamline your workflow and ensure all team members follow the same process. 

💡 Remember, pipelines help organize your student database and are visible from the student's section of the platform.

Within the Pipelines section, you can:

  • Add New Pipelines: Click on the "Add New Pipeline" button to create a sales process with your own custom stages.
  • Edit Existing Pipelines: Modify existing pipelines to better suit your evolving needs.
  • Assign Pipelines: Designate specific pipelines to team members, departments, or roles for clarity and efficiency.

ℹ️ You can create pipelines that are specific to one office or visible to the entire organization. Additionally, you can add specific to-do lists to each stage to organize your team's work and ensure no task is overlooked.

Email Templates

This section allows you to create and manage email templates to ensure consistent communication with students and partners across your entire team.

In the Email Templates section, you can:

  • Create New Email Templates: Click "+ New Template" and add the content you’d like your team to send. You can include a title for internal identification, the email subject, email body, and add attachments.
  • Edit Existing Templates: Click on a template from the list to edit its content.
  • Delete Templates: Click on the bin icon next to the template you want to delete.

These templates can be used by your team within the student profile when sending an email to a student.