How to search for a course

Learn how to effectively search for programs and courses using Edvisor's search engine.

In Edvisor, you can search through all the courses and programs offered by the education providers connected to your account.

This search will allow you to access their profile, prices, promotions, and program information just for consultation or to include them in your quotes. 

1. Open the course search 

To access the search engine, simply open your Edvisor platform and select "Search" > "Courses" from the left-side menu.

This opens the course search section, where you can begin your search.

2. Select the program type

The course search is divided into 4 categories based on the program type: languages, higher education, juniors, and high school programs.

ℹ️ Each category features different filters, which vary according to your selected program type. 

Choose the category that best matches your search criteria, then move on to the next step.

3. Choose the student's nationality and location

Then, choose your student's nationality by clicking on the flag icon.

Also, specify whether the student is onshore or offshore.

  • Onshore: Student is already in the destination where they will be studying . i.e. Students that want to extend their visa.
  • Offshore: Student is in the home country and will be traveling to study. 

Program Type

Don't forget to click 'Confirm' to save your details.

💡 If you frequently search using this criteria, you can save the nationality and location as default, so you won't have to repeat the process every time you start a search.

4. Find your programs

⚠️ Make sure you've selected your student's nationality and current location before starting the search. If these selections aren't made beforehand, the nationality could be erased, requiring you to select it again.

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To search for a course, you can use the following criteria: 

  • Destination: The system displays a list of countries and cities, allowing you to choose multiple options either by selecting from the list or by typing their names. 

  • Provider: Select as many providers as you wish, or leave this field blank to see all providers available in the chosen destination. ℹ️ If you have selected any cities or countries, the list of providers will be filtered based on those destinations.

  • Minimum Age: Make sure you enter the student's exact age.

👆 These fields are common to all program types.

For a more precise search, be sure to complete the additional fields, which are tailored to the specific needs of different program types:

  • For Language and Junior Programs:
    • Minimum Number of Weeks: Choose the minimum duration in weeks based on the student's preferences.

    • Start Date: An accurate start date is essential. Without it, you might miss out on key information such as summer supplements or special promotions.

  • For Higher Education Programs:
    • Type: Select from Vocational, Pathway/Foundations, Postgraduate, or Undergraduate options.

    • Discipline: The available disciplines vary depending on the program type you select. i.e Law, Hospitality, Business...

5. Search Results

After adding all your filters, click the "Search" button to view the results. The system will display all the programs matching your search criteria.

On the results page, you have the flexibility to narrow down the results with extra filters.

➡️ Continue to the next article to discover more about the search results.