Edvisor Recruit: Importing Students

Importing students to Edvisor Recruit

In Edvisor Recruit, you have the option to import a large batch of student (client) data using a spreadsheet. If you are migrating a database from another CRM, you probably already have an export of your data as a spreadsheet file (csv or xlsx). This is a great place to start. Read through to the end of the article to access an import template.

Tip: Each import needs to be assigned to a pipeline before you can begin, so breaking up your spreadsheet into smaller files will help you stay organized, and reduce errors.

Find the link to 'Import from spreadsheet' at the top right of the 'Students' page.

Follow the steps as presented in the feature (https://recruit.edvisor.io/students-add-batch):

  • Set the duplicate student rule, date format, and pipeline assignment of the import, and then drag and drop your CSV or Microsoft Excel file.
  • Each column will be listed with a preview of the data where you can begin to map each to field from Recruit (left side).
  • If needed, go back and organize your spreadsheet to match the student fields before your final import.
  • For any fields you do not want to import select 'Ignore this field (do not import)' as the value.

As soon as you finish mapping all fields, click to continue at the bottom.

Recruit will add your data and generate a report of any students that failed to be added, allowing you to fix the errors and import them successfully.


Download a copy and use our 'Student Import Template' here. Please note that this template is simply a helpful start. You are welcome to use your own spreadsheet to import!