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Student Insurance Finder: How to sell insurance through your website

Student insurance finder is one of the insurance tools available at Edvisor, for you to sell insurance from your website.

💡 Student Insurance Finder is the ideal solution for those who prefer to have their students buy their own insurance.

On Edvisor, we offer three distinct insurance tools:

Student Insurance Finder provides you with a custom-branded e-commerce-style landing page, that is unique to your organization and connected to our insurance engine. 

Through this landing page, your students can purchase insurance from your website directly while you generate extra revenue from the insurance agreements established with Edvisor.

Why to choose Student Insurance Finder?

Easy promotion

You can include this unique Student Insurance Finder URL in the emails and quotes that reach their students and potential customers. You can even plug the landing page into your website and digital brochures so that you can begin generating insurance sales 24-7!

Full control

You’ll also have full control of the insurance providers you display and their sales prices, get notified of all the transactions made through the landing page, and earn commission from every sale.

Automatic Bookings with Zero Hassle 

All insurance bookings that your students realize on Student Insurance Finder will be processed automatically and you will receive a notification every time a sale is completed. Students will be able to purchase online using their debit or credit card. 

No recurring costs for your business

Edvisor partners will not be charged any recurring subscriptions or fees for running their insurance business through Student Insurance Finder. Edvisor partners will be presented with a customized ecommerce landing page through which their students can begin buying insurance right away.

For those who have already created their Student Insurance Finder landing page, this article explains how to embed it onto your Wordpress website