How to manage and process insurance bookings on Edvisor

Detailed instructions on managing and processing insurance bookings, including tracking and confirmation steps.

We have an entire insurance operations team dedicated to processing your insurance bookings. Once you book insurance on Edvisor, a booking will be created in the Insurance Bookings section, where you can track the progress of your policy purchase.

Manage your insurance bookings

🔹 To access the Insurance Bookings section, go to Edvisor > Bookings > Insurance.

Insurance Bookings

In this section, you’ll see all your insurance bookings with the following details:

  • Student: The name of the student for whom the insurance is booked.
  • Policy Name: The name of the insurance policy.
  • Status: The current status of the booking:
    • Processing: Our team is processing your booking.
    • Cancelled: Your booking was cancelled.
    • Confirmed: Once your booking is ready, the status will be updated to "Confirmed," and you'll be able to download the policy from this same section.

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Our insurance operations team will also email you the booking details for you to share with the student.

  • Amendment: If you requested any changes to your booking you'll see the status here.
  • Payment: Details of the payment status.
  • Booking Date: The date the insurance was booked.
  • Booking Platform: The user who booked the insurance.

💡 Clicking on a booking from the list will open it, allowing you to view the complete information, request an amendment, and see both the net price and the gross price, among other details.

Insurance Booking Filters

If you need to find a specific booking, you can filter your list by Student, Policy, or Status by clicking on the tabs at the top.