Edvisor Recruit: Close your students

Learn how to move your students to an exception step to hide them from the default pipeline list.

There are some cases where a student finished his course and wouldn't extend his visa, can`t finish the sale process for any given reason for example lack of funds or sickness,  so moving him/her to an exception step is necessary to draw more focus on your current students.

1. Make sure you have an exception step in your pipeline:

- Go to sales pipelines settings

- Add an exception step (Visa refusal, Covid, etc.)

Captura de pantalla 2021-08-04 a la(s) 7.10.35 p. m.

2. Move your students to one of the exception steps.

3. In the student list, the default group of steps is "main" which means it will not show students in exception steps.

Captura de pantalla 2021-08-04 a la(s) 7.35.47 p. m.