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How to create and use email templates on Edvisor

Learn to create and use email templates on Edvisor for efficient and consistent student communications.

Creating email templates saves you time and ensures your messages are consistent and professional. Instead of rewriting the same email repeatedly, you can use a pre-made template, quickly filling in specific details.

This helps you and your team send emails faster, reduces mistakes, and ensures all important information is included every time.

📖 In this article we will show you:

How to create email templates on Edvisor

Email templates are handled from the Company Settings section.

⚠️ Only users with an Admin role are allowed to create email templates.

  • Click on your user icon at the top right corner of the screen > Settings > Company

    Company Settings-1

  • Select Email on the company settings submenu.
  • Click + New Template and add your template's content. You can include a title for internal identification, the email subject, email body, and add attachments.

    New emaiil template
  • Edit Existing Templates: Click on a template from the list to edit its content.
  • Delete Templates: Click on the bin icon next to the template you want to delete.

How to use email templates on Edvisor

Email templates can be utilized by any Edvisor user within your company when sending an email to a student from their profile.

  • Click on Students from the right side menu of your Edvisor platform.
  • Select the student you’d like to send the email to.
  • Click on Send Email > Templates.
  • Select a template from the list. 💡 This list of templates is the one you’ve created from your Company settings in the previous step.
  • Double-check the email and change any specific details.
  • Click Send.