How to Filter and Export Sales Data in Edvisor

Learn how to easily filter and export your sales data in Edvisor to gain valuable insights and streamline your reporting process.

Managing and analyzing Sales data is essential for gaining insights into student bookings and payment statuses.

You can easily filter and export sales data, turning it into actionable analytics.

Here’s how:

1. Filter Your Sales Data

Start by navigating to the Sales section from the left menu. 

Sales Section (1)

Use the Filters button to refine your search and pinpoint key data metrics:

  • Destination: Analyze bookings based on the student’s destination.
  • Provider: Review sales by specific educational providers.
  • Assigned To: Track performance by advisor or team member.
  • File Status: Identify sales with pending documentation.
  • Payment Status: Evaluate financial progress with filters like No Payment, Partially Paid, and Paid.

Sales _ Filters

You can also use the Search Bar you to quickly locate specific sales by Sales ID, student name, or provider.

Sales Search

2. Export Data

Once you’ve filtered the data, click the Export button to download your sales information as a CSV file. There are 2 options:

  • Sales: Provides a high-level summary, ideal for tracking overall sales performance.
  • Payment by Student: Offers granular details for deeper analysis of payment trends and student transactions.

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The exported CSV file can be further analyzed in Excel or integrated with your ERP system, enabling advanced reporting, financial analysis, and data-driven decision-making.

By leveraging these filters and exports, you can transform raw sales data into powerful analytics that drive your business forward.