How to create custom schools

Learn how to create and manage your own school profiles on Edvisor, so you can work with institutions not yet on the platform.​

Managing a diverse range of educational institutions is crucial for offering your students the best options.

On Edvisor, you can connect with hundreds of schools and institutions, accessing their pricing, promotions, and programs in real-time. This information is added and updated directly by the institutions themselves.

If you work with a school or institution that is not on Edvisor yet, you can add it manually to your platform, ensuring you can work with a comprehensive portfolio that meets your students’ needs.

📖 In this article, we will show you how to...

  1. Create a New Custom School on Edvisor
  2. Build a School Profile: Set Up School Details

🔹 How to create a Custom School

To add a custom school:

  • Click on the Manage Providers icon from the top menu.
  • Select Add Schools
  • In the “Add Schools” section, click on the Create Custom School button.

    Create Custom School
  • Enter the school name, location, and currency.
    Create Custom School-1
  • Click “Save.”

ℹ️ This will generate a new school profile where you can easily add all the school’s information.

🔹 Build a School Profile: Set Up School Details

Next, it’s time to build the school profile to ensure it looks appealing in your quotes and search results. Go through each field, adding all the required information.

Create School Profile

You can add the following information to a school profile:

  • Banner
  • Social Media
  • Campus Name*
  • Type of School
  • Address
  • City
  • Country*
  • Phone Number
  • Email address
  • Website
  • Logo
  • Currency*
  • Description
  • Highlights
  • Nationality Mix
  • Amenities
  • Awards and Accreditations

💡It’s advisable to dedicate some time to add accurate and well-structured information, ensuring your custom school profile is useful and comprehensive.

Only the fields marked with * (Campus Name, Country, and Currency) are mandatory. However, the more information you add, the more professional and attractive your school profile will be for both counselors and students.

Once you are done, it’s time to add courses and pricing to your newly created school profile ➡️