How to add insurance to a quote

Learn how to quickly enhance your quotes by adding custom insurance - without leaving the quotes section!

On Edvisor, you can quote programs and also add extras to these quotes, such as add-ons, fees, accommodation, and insurance!

💡 Adding insurance to your quotes just got easier on Edvisor! Now you can add insurance directly in the quotes section, without the hassle of navigating away.

Enjoy a better search experience with accurate and up-to-date insurance pricing!

Let’s see how to add insurance to your quotes!

1. Open your quote.

Navigate to the window where you're creating your quotation, or open the quote you'd like to edit. Then click the “Edit” button on any of the available options within your quote.

2. Add insurance to your quote

Scroll down within the quote option until you find the insurance section. Here, click the "Add Insurance" button.

A pop-up window will appear, displaying the insurance options. Search and select the insurance you'd like to add.

Click “Add to Option” to include your chosen insurance in your quote.

You can follow these steps for every available insurance option, allowing you to create custom combinations of educational programs and insurance policies.

Important Update: Changes to Insurance Add-ons

Please note: We are phasing out the older "Insurance Add-ons" feature. Instead, we encourage you to use the new search function within the quotes section. This offers two main advantages:

  • Accurate and up-to-date pricing
  • A better search and quoting experience