Learn how to connect Edvisor with Zapier

Learn how to connect Edvisor with Zapier to create automations with other platforms.


What is Zapier?

Zapier is a web-based tool that allows users to build automation workflows between thousands of supported web applications and platforms. It provides a simple user interface to design and build cross-platform workflows to synchronize data for things like lead and financial events. To learn more about Zapier, visit: http://zapier.com.

Here are some common terms used throughout Zapier:

  • Zap - An automated workflow created in Zapier
  • Event - A change in value or data set within an app
  • Trigger - An event that begins a sequence of action events
  • Action - An event that occurs as a result of a previous trigger event
  • Tasks - A single event within an activated Zap, such as a filter check (ie. automation rule)
  • Webhook URL - A URL generated by Zapier to be added by Edvisor for each Zap, where Edvisor is the trigger event

Connection Setup

To begin creating automations, or Zaps involving Edvisor, there are three main steps:

  1. Allow Zapier to access Edvisor.io, via Zapier invite link (see below)

  2. Connecting your Edvisor account using an Edvisor-provided API Key

  3. Send Edvisor team, the ‘Zapier-generated’ webhook URL (for Zaps where Edvisor is the trigger event), form below:

Webhooks Request Form

Edvisor Invite Link + API Key

In order to connect Edvisor and Zapier, it is required that you have independent, non-outstanding, accounts with both services.

Edvisor is not listed on Zapier’s public directory; but can be added by using our Zapier invite link here:


  1. Open a new browser or tab and log in to your pre-existing Zapier account

  2. Click or copy the link above to open the page

  3. Accept the invite

  4. Begin your new, first ‘Zap’ using Edvisor as the trigger event (optional)

Also, have your Edvisor (private) API key ready. this can be requested from your Account Manager or our Support Team and will look something like this:


ℹ️ If you are new to Zapier and want to learn more, check out their content on YouTube.

Create and Edit Zaps using Edvisor Students

Zaps are built with three main components:

  1. Trigger and action events and apps

  2. Zap steps such as filter, or data formatting (the rules of the automation)

  3. Field mapping (assignation) between the trigger and action apps

Creating and editing Zaps with Edvisor are limited to student profile events and is used as the source of a trigger event, or destination of an action event.

The Edvisor source data are limited to:

  • student profile fields (default and custom)

  • pipeline step/stage movement

Zapier app cannot access information in other areas such as quotes, invoices, and agreements.

Other information you may need to know:

  • UserID (of your agents); ask your account managers or support team for assistance

  • Pipeline ID and stage IDs; when editing, it is the number beside the pipeline stages (Company Settings > Pipelines > More info)


⚠️ It is highly recommended that before you begin creating or testing your Zaps, to log into Edvisor and create or update a student record respectively. This record (event) is then used throughout the Zap creation process to test triggers as well as verify your desired field mapping.

Edvisor as a Trigger Event

There are two trigger event types possible from Edvisor.

  • Student Created

  • Student Updated

Below is an example of creating a new Zap using Edvisor as a trigger event, where the type is ‘Student Created’, but can be changed to ‘Student Updated’:



To begin setting up your trigger, you will need to send the Edvisor team your Zapier Webhook URL for our team to assign to your Edvisor account. This is required to be added by our engineering team. We recommend preparing several Edvisor trigger Zaps in advance, as multiple webhooks can be added for you as a batch. Each webhook URL should be unique to each event you are requesting.

To request webhooks be added, please use our form below. Be sure to indicate the event type that corresponds to the webhook URL.


Once the webhook is connected, you will be able to proceed with the Zap creation - adding your action event (app), and your additional steps. It will be important to know the fields and value formats that is accepted by your action app (destination).

Edvisor as an Action Event

When using Edvisor as the action app, you will need to consider the accepted formatting of the fields when mapping your Zaps.

For any incompatible formats, it is important use the formatting step. Or, you can also use the javascript code step to provide the data to map. Some common fields to consider, below.

Birthdate: YYYY-MM-DD

The only accepted format for dates in Edvisor.

Nationality: Numerical Code

Edvisor uses the standard, ISO 3166 country codes, due to the need for precise and consistent nationality data. However, the field is modified in Zapier by using a numerical ID number from our databases and this ID must be used in Zapier order to reflect the proper mapping to ‘Nationality’.

Refer to this list of Edvisor Country Codes and IDs

For more info, refer to this public article listing ISO 3166 country codes.


Common examples:

Brazil = 29

Mexico = 148

Colombia = 46

Spain = 64

France = 70

Turkey = 212

Italy = 102

Germany = 54

China = 45

Japan = 106

S. Korea = 114


Locations: GoogleplaceID (alphanumeric)

To update or create city and country (location) information to Edvisor accurately, the location data must be converted into a GooglePlaceID format. Edvisor uses this for accuracy, and allows for the dropdown logic of this field.

In order to apply this to Zapier, you must add a javascript code step between your trigger and (Edvisor) action event. This is slightly more advanced technically, and to find out specifics about how to implement Javascript code steps into your Zaps, go here.

When you have added the step, paste this code to be able to map the output value to the location fields of your action event (Edvisor):

currentLocation: '',

  destinationLocation: ''


if (inputData.currentLocation && inputData.currentLocation.trim()) {

  output.currentLocation = inputData.currentLocation;


if (inputData.destinationLocation && inputData.destinationLocation.trim()) {

  output.destinationLocation = inputData.destinationLocation;


For a more complete list of Edvisor’s accepted formatting, refer to: Agencies: Importing Students from a File.


If you are having some trouble verifying your Zap steps, here are some helpful tips to to consider:

  1. Create a new student or make a new Edit to a student profile in Edvisor. This will help to provide the latest data for you to test and verify your field mapping. Once you do this, make sure to refresh your fields in Step #1 of your Zaps.

  2. Reduce the amount of field mapping to Edvisor (as the action event) to pinpoint an error value. It is possible the formats are still providing an error, and it may not be easy to tell which one. If this is the case, reduce or remove the number of fields you are mapping, and re-map each field, testing the step after each addition.

  3. Zapier themselves provide some great troubleshooting tips that are universal. Try look for an answer here: Troubleshoot errors in Zapier

Finally, if you are still having issues, setup a chat with our Support Team to coordinate a call to walk through your Edvisor Zap - support@edvsior.io

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