How to edit your insurance sales price

Learn how to adjust insurance sales prices on Edvisor using the markup feature for higher profits.

Ever wondered how to tweak the sales price for insurance products on the platform? You can do it with our markup feature.

What is Markup?

First things first, let's talk about what markup is. Markup is the amount added to the cost of a product to determine its selling price. Basically, it’s the difference between the product's cost and its final selling price. You earn this amount as part of your commission.

How can you increase your sales price on Edvisor?

  • Go to your Edvisor dashboard and click on the ‘Manage Providers’ icon in the top bar menu.
  • Choose ‘Manage Insurance Providers’ from the dropdown.

  • Click on the name of the insurance provider whose product pricing you want to adjust.
  • You should now see a list of products offered by that provider, find the product whose sales price you'd like to edit and click on it.
Once you're on the product page, you’ll see your sales price and your profit.

If you want to edit your sales price click on “Markup” and add the % increase you’d like to add to that specific product.

You'll see the change reflected in both the sales price and your profit.

Once you’re happy with the results, make sure to click the ‘Update’ button to apply them.

⚠️ Changing the markup will also affect the final sales price, so keep an eye on that while you're editing.

And that's it! You've successfully edited the sales price and markup for an insurance product on Edvisor. Remember, you can always consult our support team if you have any questions or hit any roadblocks. Happy insurance selling! 😊