How to create landing pages on EdCommerce

Discover how to use the 'Pages' section to easily create impressive landing pages - no coding skills required.

With the 'pages' feature on EdCommerce you can effortlessly build stunning landing pages to showcase your study abroad programs and courses without any programming knowledge.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to configure and utilize "Pages" effectively:

1. Create a landing page

2. Build your page structure

3. Customize each content block

4. Publish your page


1: How to create a landing page 

Access 'Pages'

Go to your EdCommerce Setup page > Ecommerce > Pages:

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Create a new page

Then, click on the "Create New Page" button. 

Give your landing page a nice title and a brief description. This will help you identify it later.

Select a template:

Choose from a variety of designed templates (banners, program carousel and lead form options) tailored for educational agencies and institutions.

2. Build your page structure 

The 'Pages' feature comes with "Drag and Drop" functionality, letting you easily move pre-built elements from the left menu, to your landing page (in the right side).

This way, you can build your page without needing any coding skills. 

💡 We suggest first setting up the basic structure of the landing page you'll be using. Once that's done, you can go ahead and customize the different sections.

3. Customize each content block

Now that you've set up the structure of your landing page, it's time to personalize each section.

In each content block, you'll find various buttons that help you adjust text, add images, and even change the layout, making it easy to tailor the content to your specific needs.

Elements that can be customized within content blocks are:

Title / Subtitle 

To change the text content, simply hover over the text, click on it, and edit the default content.

Call to Actions (CTAs) / Buttons

To customize CTAs, just click on the button.

A pop-up will appear, offering various configuration options. Here, you can change things like the button color, text color, border type, corners... and add a link to your CTA.


To upload an image, just click on the upload icon in the image box. You can add one or multiple photos to create a carousel.


To publish a video, select a content block that has video options. Then click on the icon in the blue box and enter the URL of your video.


For content spacing in your page structure, there's a button that lets you fine-tune both horizontal and vertical spacing for each block on the page.


In the section for publishing courses, we recommend not using carousels with more than 6-8 courses.

Here, you can select from the courses already configured on your platform to promote. To do so, just click on one of the cards.

A list of available schools and courses will pop up, allowing you to activate or deactivate the courses you'd like to feature in this carousel.

💡 We recommend adding no more than 2 carrousels, to keep user attention focused.

Lead Form

In this section, you can choose from various form design formats and edit the title and subtitle.

There's no need to configure the form separately, as it will automatically use the default form settings that you've previously set up on the platform.

💡 These types of pages are perfect to receive better quality leads.

4. Publish your landing page

Once you've finished configuring and saving your template, a section will appear listing all the pages you've published. In this area, you can edit, delete, and access the URL of each created page.

With the "Pages" builder, crafting engaging landing pages for educational agencies and institutions is now a breeze. Just follow these steps, and you'll be well on your way to successfully promoting your study abroad programs and courses. Happy building!