How to customize the domain of your EdCommerce site

Learn how to customize the domain of your EdCommerce site to align it with your main website.

Building an EdCommerce site for your business is exciting. Dealing with a complicated or costly domain connection process, however, isn't.

In this article, we will show you how to customize your site's domain and connect it your website in just a few simple steps.

💡Using your custom domain increases engagement and boosts your users' trust as they see that your e-commerce site shares the same domain as your main website.

🔹 Go to EdCommerce Settings  > Domain

Click on Connect a domain and select the type of domain you want to connect:

  • Main Domain: Insert your website's domain.
  • Subdomain: This will host your EdCommerce content, and differentiate it from your main website's content. 

The final URL will look like this ->

How to connect EdCommerce with your Server

Next, you'll need to establish a connection with your server.

Simply copy and paste the information provided by EdCommerce once you add your domain and subdomain into your website server's configuration.

⚠️ Important!

When setting up your domain, it's crucial to follow the steps in the exact order shown in the image above:

  1. Verify domain ownership to enable HTTPS

  2. Configure the DNS provider

Example: How to connect EdCommerce with GoDaddy

  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy account and go to the My Products tab.
  2. Click on the domain you want to update.
  3. Click on Domain Settings.
  4. In the Additional Settings section, click on Manage DNS.

5. On the DNS Management page, in the Records section, click Add.

6. From the Type drop-down list, choose CNAME.

7. In the Name field, type the subdomain added on EdCommerce.

8. In the Value field, type the information provide by EdCommerce: (ex.

9. Leave the TTL setting as 1 hour.

10. Click Save.

When you update the name servers for a domain, it may take up to 24-48 hours for the change to take effect. This period is called DNS propagation.

Once this process is complete, your EdCommerce site will be fully connected to your server and ready to be used!