How to Invite and Manage Your Team in the Agency Portal

Find out how to grant and manage access to your Agency Portal for all team members.

Getting your entire team into the Agency Portal is a straightforward process, ensuring that all members can collaborate efficiently from one centralized location.

In this article...

How to invite your team to the Agency Portal

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Log in to your Agency Portal 'agency account' - If you still don't have an 'agency account', go back to this tutorial for setup instructions.

  2. Navigate to the Settings section: Click on your user icon at the top-right corner of your screen and select ‘Settings’.

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  3. Access the ‘Team’ Tab: Within settings, you’ll find the ‘Team’ tab. This section is designed for managing your team members.

  4. Invite Your Team: In the ‘Team’ section, you have the option to invite your entire team to join the portal. Simply click on the 'New Team Member' button at the bottom of the screen and fill out the form.

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💡 To maintain organization and prevent account duplication, we highly recommend that team members do not sign up to your Agency Portal individually. Instead, they should be invited to join the existing Agency Account, by following the steps in this tutorial.

This access grants you and your team an 'agency view' of your Portal, offering a comprehensive perspective of how your information is presented to agencies.

It’s an invaluable tool for reviewing content appearance, identifying any discrepancies and training your agents.

How to edit or delete team members

In this same team section, you'll find a list with all the team members who have access to your Agency Portal.

By placing the mouse over someone's name, you'll be able to:

    • Edit: Click on the pencil icon if you'd like to edit someone's name, photo, or email address.
    • Delete: Simply click on the bin icon to remove someone's access.

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